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Collection - Artworks of late Rene Robles

Contemporary Art and works on Rizal painted by late Master Rene Robles

Mr. Rene Robles was an internationally acclaimed artist who studied at the University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines where he was a University Rector College and recipient of the University's Gold Medal for Excellence.He also studied at the National Academy of Design and the School of Fine Arts Students League, both in New York, USA.Mr. Robles has received various Philippines and international awards and distinctions and has appeared in galleries, collections and publications around the world.His works have found their way into the collections of his Majesty King Juan Carlos of Spain, king Khalid of Saudi Arabia, former United States President Bill Clinton, and Malcolm Forbes, among others.

Unfortunately Rene Robles passed away the other year.

The three artworks presented are part of the collection in Germany. 

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